Director’s Message
Anniversary Celebration Was a Success Because of Each of You
As we move toward the culmination of the Florida Division of Blind Services 75th Anniversary celebration, I look on this past year with humility and gratitude.
We hosted several well-received ceremonies and expos in Daytona, Fort Myers, Tallahassee, West Palm Beach and Orlando. Our final celebration will be held in Pensacola on May 10 prior to the Rehabilitation Council for the Blind meeting.
A lot of hard work went into making the 75th anniversary celebration run smoothly, and I would be remiss if I didn’t thank everyone who played a part in ensuring its success.
Thank you to those who served on the statewide planning committee. From the decorations and soliciting exhibitors to the breakout sessions and the guest speakers, this team really came together to raise awareness and showcase our resources to the community. It has been wonderful to witness our teams working together to demonstrate a number of our key principals of communication, collaboration and cooperation. Once again, we can see the great successes that are available as we put our minds together.
Another big thank you to all of the clients who provided testimonials at the ceremonies. Your stories of perseverance and overcoming obstacles reminded us why we serve in this profession. For me, your stories were the heart of each of our events.
A major highpoint for me this past year has been honoring recipients through the “Successful 75” program. These 75 entities have worked tirelessly to make a difference in their communities through outreach, advocacy, hiring practices and via their individual commitments to achieve self-sufficiency. Through their efforts, Florida continues to strive to become a barrier-free environment for residents with visual disabilities.
We have come such a long way in the state of Florida in just 75 years, and I can only imagine what advancements may come in the next 75. We will remain committed to increasing accessibility for Floridians so everyone benefitting from our system has the chance for a successful future.
I am also thrilled to introduce our two newest additions to the State Office, Deputy Director Allison Flanagan and Bureau Chief of Client Services Bridget Giles. We are confident they will be a great addition to our team, as both of these women bring educational, work and life experiences to make a difference for our clients and members of our DBS family.
Read more about them in the “Personnel” section of this issue.
Thank you.
Robert L. Doyle, III
Children’s Week Brings Thousands to the Capitol
Children’s Week drew thousands of parents, educators and leaders to the state Capitol to celebrate children and address topics important to families.
One of the biggest events, Children’s Capitol for the Day, encouraged groups to engage in educational activities, interactive games, arts and crafts, live readings, music and more.
DBS’ exhibit table gave visitors the opportunity to try on vision simulators and learn about white cane safety. A big highlight for the hundreds of little visitors was the Perkins Brailler. Kids had their names and fun phrases typed by a DBS staff member.
Parents and teachers also collected brochures and spoke with staff about the Division’s services and resources.
Children Learn the Fundamentals of Goalball at SportsAbility
The 26th annual SportsAbility was held April 6-8 in Tallahassee. People with disabilities and their families and friends were delighted with the wide array of activities at the event. SportsAbility utilizes hands-on training to help people with disabilities become more comfortable and confident in getting out and being active. The program was completely free for participants.
DBS hosted a goalball demonstration, which was led by Walter Blackmon. Participants had the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the sport and ask questions.
This year, the Florida Disabled Outdoors Association (FDOA) partnered with Coach José Reina of Spain’s National Para-badminton team for its Para-badminton Clinic. This partnership was historic in that the clinic was a first of its kind in Florida, and para-badminton will be part of the 2020 Paralympic Games for the first time in Tokyo. Reina has coached the team to five world championships in places such as South Korea, China, Thailand and Guatemala.
Other events included the Seminole Showdown where Florida State University athletes played baseball against athletes of all abilities. FSU cheerleaders provided face painting and the FSU Seminole Sound performed.
There were inclusive activities for people of all abilities, such as para-badminton, martial arts, rock wall climbing, sit water-skiing, kayaking, sailing, archery, nature trail rides, pontoon boat rides and basketball.
The Resource Expo, where DBS had a booth, gave people the opportunity to ask questions, receive information and learn about the latest in products and local services.
To view more photos, please visit our Facebook page at:
DBS Participates in Annual Suwannee County Health and Wellness Fair
More than 200 guests participated in the annual Suwannee County Health and Wellness Fair, which was held March 31 at the Advent Christian Village in Live Oak.
The event provided educational information from 33 organizations to members of the community. Exhibitors offered materials on financial services, personal development, medical screenings and more.
DBS 'Purples Up' for Month of the Military Child
April was the Month of the Military Child, and DBS staff wore their purple to show support for military children and their sacrifices on behalf of our nation.
There are approximately two million military children ranging from newborn to 18 years old throughout the United States and, of those, 1.3 million are school-aged. Care of military children sustains our service men and women and strengthens the health, security, and safety of our nation's families and communities.
Please Welcome DBS’ New Deputy Director and Bureau Chief of Client Services
Allison Flanagan, Deputy Director
Allison Flanagan holds a master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling form the University of Kentucky as well as a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Eastern Kentucky University. Allison has more than 23 years of experience in the field of vocational rehabilitation, with the last six plus years directly working in the field of services to the blind and visually impaired. She served as division director in the Kentucky Office of the Blind as well as in other leadership capacities.
Allison is a Wildcat (but mostly for basketball). She also brings with her a great love for NFL football as a passionate fan of the San Diego Chargers. Allison is the mother of three girls and she is “in love” with her 3-month-old grandson, Finley.
Bridget Giles, Chief of the Bureau of Client Services and Support
Bridget Giles holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Florida State University and has extensive experience managing programs and special projects. In addition, she has vast knowledge in services for persons with disabilities, substance abuse, mental health, case management, communicable diseases and the corrections system. Bridget has been with the State of Florida for more than 10 years, and has worked in the private sector during her tenure at Habilitation Management Services.
Bridget loves trivia and word games. She also enjoys writing and singing. She has been married for 16 years and is presently experiencing the joys of parenting her two sons.
Please join me in giving them a warm welcome as we are thrilled to have them as a part of the DBS family!
Success Stories
Perseverance and a Strong Support System Equal Success for BBE Operator
Licensed at age 19, Jose Quintanilla is one of the youngest operators to be accepted into the DBS Bureau of Business Enterprise (BBE) program. While a student at the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, Quintanilla attended a presentation by a BBE vendor. Previously, his career goal was to become a chef, but that changed after learning about the BBE program. He shifted his studies and took courses in vending, marketing and culinary arts at school and received his food safety certification.
Quintanilla applied and was accepted into the BBE training shortly after graduating from high school. Once classroom training was complete, he went on to an on the job training in Jacksonville. By the end of training, he served as manager of the Duval County Courthouse Annex snack bar. During his tenure in the program, Quintanilla has operated snack bars in the Courthouse Annex, State Regional Service Center and the Duval County Courthouse. He was operating his current facility, a vending route in Daytona Beach, while also managing the snack bar in the Duval County Courthouse for a year in 2010-2011.
Part of his success can be attributed to a strong support system. Quintanilla’s family and faith are an integral part of his business and his life. He has been actively pursuing new opportunities and was recently awarded his dream facility, a highway vending location on I-4. He will sign into this location later this summer.
Quintanilla is the district representative for his area on the Committee of Vendors and is a member of the training subcommittee. He provides work experience opportunities for training applicants where trainees spend a day with him on his route. He is always available to trainees and other vendors, answering questions and offering assistance as needed.
Quintanilla is just one of the new generation of vendors that will help the BBE program continue to grow and provide opportunities for qualified visually impaired persons in Florida.
DBS Inducts 11 New Recipients into the Successful 75
During the DBS 75th Anniversary Ceremony and Expo in Orlando, DBS presented eleven “Successful 75” awards to individuals, organizations and businesses that represent and/or are committed to fostering independence in blind and visually impaired Floridians.
These “Successful 75” recipients were:
Did You Know?
April is Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month
Eye safety should not be something we put on the backburner. Just like working to earn our 10,000 steps a day or maintaining a healthy sitting and standing posture, eye wellness is a habit worth forming. Just consider how much time we spend at our desks looking at our computer monitors, tablets and cellular phones.
These factors, a product of our sedentary jobs, can lead to eye strain and potentially larger problems. They include blurry or double vision, dry eyes, red eyes, eye irritation, headaches and neck pain.
Here are a few simple steps to help prevent eyestrain and fatigue (provided by
- Visit an eye doctor annually for a dilated eye exam to make sure you are seeing clearly and to detect any potential vision issues.
- Place your screen 20 to 26 inches away from your eyes and a little bit below eye level.
- Adjust the text size on the screen to a comfortable level.
- Change your lighting to lower glare and reflections. Glare filters over your computer screen can also help.
- Use a chair you can adjust.
- Choose screens that can tilt and swivel. A keyboard that you can adjust is also helpful.
- Implement the 20-20-20 break: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.
Lighthouse of Collier Hosts Talking Easter Egg Hunt
On Saturday, April 15, Lighthouse of Collier teamed up with Royal Scoop at their 23rd Annual Royal Scoop Easter Egg Hunt and Games. The event was held in Bonita Springs.
The sounds of talking eggs provided a wonderful Easter egg hunt for the children in the area who are blind or visually impaired. The talking eggs say, “I’m Hiding!” “You-hoo, come find me!” and “You found me.” The children received a special treat for each egg found.
After the hunt, there were games, a relay race, an ice cream eating contest and burgers and hotdogs for lunch.
In the News
Blind Chemist Creates STEM Curriculum for Blind Children
When she was 6 or 7, Mona Minkara’s eyesight began to fade.
Eventually diagnosed with macular degeneration and cone rod dystrophy, the post-doctoral research fellow in the University of Minnesota’s chemistry department is now working to create a STEM curriculum for blind children in developing countries.
Minkara, is creating the curriculum with the help of her assistants, who aid her in her computational chemistry research. She studies surfactants — molecules with one end that is attracted to water and another end that is not.
Minkara said she wants the STEM curriculum to be blind-accessible and low cost. It will be implemented at a camp in Lebanon that has programs for both blind and sighted children.
The camp trains blind children in life skills and integrates them with sighted children through sports and artistic activities. Minkara's sister started the camp in 2009.
“We would love for them to consider the option or possibility that maybe one day they could become scientists,” she said of blind children.
To read the full story visit:
Blindness Changes 'Saved by the Bell' Star's View of Life
Isaac Lidsky had a career as a child actor, culminating when he landed the role of Barton "Weasel" Wyzell on “Saved by the Bell: The New Class.” He went on to study math and computer science at Harvard, graduating at age 19, then law school, after which he clerked for two Supreme Court justices.
Now Issac is married and has four kids. He is also blind. At age 13, he was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa.
Isaac was terrified. “I knew going blind would ruin my life.” The disease progressed gradually as he lost more and more areas of his field of vision. He had lost his sight entirely by age 23.
Things changed when he met with a low-vision rehabilitation specialist. She was completely focused on practical solutions he could use to navigate life without vision, and he realized, “Everything I thought I knew about blindness was a fiction born of my fears. I was so busy worrying about some awful future that I wasn’t taking care of the moment, now. There only is now, today, this moment, and I chose to take control of my reality.”
To read the full story, visit
Baby Sees His Military Father for the First Time
Captain Brandon Caldwell worried his son Reagan might not recognize him after a two-month deployment. Reagan is legally blind after contracting meningitis and sepsis at just 22 days old. While dad was deployed, Reagan got new glasses – and this is the moment he saw his dad clearly for the very first time.
To view the video, visit
Thailand's Blind Children's Orchestra
The Thai Blind Orchestra is made up of young musicians and is one of a very few initiatives in Thailand that gives blind children a chance to learn to play musical instruments. A BBC team recently went to meet the group at an open-air concert they held at a national park in the northeast of Thailand.
To view the video, visit

- Janet Chernoff
- Keith Flowers
- Stephanie Lambert
- Carlotta Marquez
- La’Verne Scott
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325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399
Phone: 850-245-7858
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