Division Policy 2.14


Individualized Plan of Employment


July 22, 2003


April 18, 2018


 This policy will be reviewed and updated as needed.


To provide guidelines for the development of the individualized plan for employment.


34 CFR 361.45


An Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) must be designed to achieve an employment outcome that is consistent with the individual’s strengths, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, career interests, and informed choice.  The development of an IPE must occur within 60 working days of the Certification of Eligibility for vocational rehabilitation services. All IPE’s must be reviewed and updated annually.

Options for the development of an IPE must be provided in writing to an individual or, as appropriate, his/her representative. These options include:

  1. Assistance from a DBS Rehabilitation Specialist in developing all or part of the IPE;
  2. Assistance from an entity other than DBS (example: Client Assistance Program) based on the individual’s informed choice in developing all or part of the IPE; and
  3. Independent development of all or part of the IPE by the individual.

Each eligible individual who selects options two or three must be provided the DBS Guidelines for Development of an Individualized Plan for Employment packet in the language and appropriate mode of communication of the individual’s choice.

If an individual chooses to develop all or part of the IPE with assistance from another entity or independently, the IPE must be submitted in writing to the Rehabilitation Specialist in order to be considered for approval.

If additional data are necessary to prepare the IPE, a comprehensive assessment of the unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests, and needs, including the need for supported employment services may be conducted.  Such an assessment should be conducted in the most integrated setting possible, consistent with the individual’s informed choice.


CRP Cases 

  1. Counselor prepares and prints the plan. 
  2. Counselor enters case notes that plan has been prepared by DBS for requested services.
  3. Plan is provided to client to sign by mail or in person. 
  4. Plan is considered approved in AWARE when client signs the plan. The date of client signature is the official plan start date.
  5. DBS notifies CRP plan is signed and service can begin (via email)
  6. When monthly invoices are received from the CRP, the DA and/or Supervisor will select 5 files to review.  The DA and/or Supervisor will physically pull files to determine the date that the client signed the plan. 
  7. DA/Supervisor will check CRP report (found either in the Case Notes or Actual Services Progress report) for date service(s) began.  This date should be on or after the date client signed the plan.
  8. DA/Supervisor will report the results of this monitoring review on the monthly QA report sent to the QA Consultant.
  9. QA Consultant will collect this information and report it to the Bureau Chief monthly.

Non-CRP cases

Perform steps 1-4 above

  1. When plan is returned by client, signed, DA/Supervisor will review for approval.
  2. DA/Supervisor will enter case note indicating plan has been approved and services can begin.
  3. Approval/signature date will be entered in AWARE.
  4. When performing the monthly case reviews on VR cases, the DA and/or Supervisor will compare the AWARE signature date with the date services began to ensure services began after client signature and plan approval in AWARE, and enter a case note in AWARE as to findings.
  5. DA will report findings in the monthly QA report to QA Consultant.
  6. QA Consultant will collect this information and report it to the Bureau Chief monthly.

All services included on the IPE must be necessary for the individual to obtain their employment goal and should be provided prior to successful case closure. Plans should be amended as new services become necessary. If a service that is included on the IPE is not provided prior to a successful case closure, justification for not providing the service must be documented in a case note.

Original signed by Robert L. Doyle, III, Director, on April 18, 2018.

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