Division Policy 2.31


Eye Reports for eligibility determination


April 25, 2011


January 18, 2013


This policy will be reviewed and updated as needed


Address the need for eye medical documentation in order to determine eligibility


CFR 361.42


Documentation to support the eligibility determination will need to be obtained during the rehabilitation process for all clients in all programs.  It is not required that the agency obtain an eye report, done within a one year prior to application, in order to determine eligibility for services.  The designated state unit must conduct an assessment which will take place in the most integrated setting possible, consistent with the individual’s needs and informed choice.  An assessment can consist of a review of existing data, as well as performing a variety of needs/functional assessments, counselor observation, etc.  An assessment consisting of review of existing data needs to be documented in the client’s electronic file.

When participants are being served in the Independent Living and Blind Babies programs, the community rehabilitation provider (CRP) is authorized to conduct an assessment, but eligibility determination rests with Division of Blind Services staff.  

In cases where the client is obviously totally blind, CRP must provide documentation in the electronic case file to justify the absence of an eye report.   

If a client is being reopened and was determined to be eligible in the past, DBS may use existing information from client’s previous file to support the eligibility decision.  If there is no documentation or the file has been purged and client is not totally blind, an updated eye report to support the eligibility decision will be necessary.

Original signed by Joyce Hildreth, Division Director, on April 13, 2011.

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