Division Policy 6.02


Payment for Services/Fee Schedule for CRP Contracts


April 25, 2011


October 5, 2018  


This policy will be reviewed and updated as needed.


To provide guidelines for determining costs for services provided by the Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRPs) through Division of Blind Services (DBS) contracts.


34 CFR 361.50 (c)


DBS will establish fee rates for the CRPs that are designed to ensure a reasonable cost for all programs, including, but not limited to the following programs: Blind Babies Children’s, Pre-Employment Transition, Transition, Supported Employment, Adult Independent Living Services, Older Blind Services, and Vocational Rehabilitation Services. The fee rates are subject to change based on a periodic analysis of the rates, available funding level, and provider past performance. Beginning in 2019, DBS will ensure the completion of the cost analysis every five years or more frequently as financial climates may indicate.

Original signed by Robert L. Doyle, III, Division Director, on October 5, 2018. 

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