Divison Policy 2.24


Participants Requesting New Training


March 19, 2010


January 18, 2013


This policy will be reviewed and updated as needed


To provide guidelines regarding previously trained and/or successfully closed participants request for new or additional training.


When a participant who has previously been successfully closed as employed, requests new training due to a desire to change careers, the DBS Rehabilitation Specialist will determine if the participant’s employment and skills are stable. If so, DBS will not provide additional training. However, if it is determined that the participant is “underemployed” based on his/her qualifications, training and skills, consideration can be given for additional job placement assistance.

If a gap exists between the participant’s skills and current industry requirements or if the job for which the participant was trained in is now obsolete, additional training for a new career can be considered.  In such cases, a Vocational Evaluation and/technical evaluation should be provided in order to assist in developing a new vocational goal, unless there is a recent (within 2 years) evaluation that supports the new career choice. In the case where returning participant, whose skills have been determined to be insufficient or obsolete, is requesting formal education it is his/her responsibility to provide a written justification as to why additional formal education is warranted. The Rehabilitation Specialist must weigh all factors when determining whether or not to approve the participant’s request, including the availability of similar benefits the client may have available. An example may be where the client is currently employed and the employer provides tuition payment or reimbursement to current employees. The objective of DBS services, for the returning participant, is to provide the participant the opportunity to return to appropriate employment within a reasonable amount of time. Rehabilitation Specialists should always considered Post-Employment services as outlined in policy 2.20 and VR Manual Section 7.24, prior to making a final decision on re-opening a case.

In the event the client does not agree with this policy the Rehabilitation Specialist must provide the client with the Client Assistance Program (CAP) phone number, 800-346-0823 and address:  2728 Centerview Drive, Suite 102, Tallahassee Florida 32301. 

Signed by Joyce Hildreth, DBS Director, on March 19, 2010.

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