Division Policy 6.01


Requesting and Authorizing Purchases


January 2, 2006


January 18, 2013


This policy will be reviewed and updated as needed.


To ensure proper fiscal accountability


34 CFR 361.50(e)


It is the policy of the Division to assign authorized staff to make requisitions, and other staff to approve such services.  When a staff person who normally approves services must request a requisition, s/he must ensure that it is approved by the authorized approver.  Under no circumstances will division staff both write a requisition and approve purchases, nor will a person approve a purchase for client(s) on their caseload, nor will a DBS employee be assigned to work with (in any capacity) , authorize or approve services for a family member.  Family is described as an employee’s spouse, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren of either the employee or spouse.

Original signed by Joyce Hildreth, Director, on September 16, 2009.

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