Hilton University of Florida Conference Center Gainesville
1714 S.W. 34th Street
Gainesville, FL 32607
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Meeting called to order at 8:35 AM with the pledge of allegiance following roll call.
Council Members Present: (15)
Bruce Miles, Dan O’Connor, Robert Kelly, Donté Mickens, Sandra Martin, Gloria Mills, Sheryl Brown, Leanne Grillot, Lenora Marten, Sylvia Stinson-Perez, Paul Kaminsky, Paul Edwards, Christopher White, Joe Minichiello and Robert Doyle, Director.
Council Members Present via Teleconference: (4) Dwight Sayer, Patricia Lipovsky, and Jesus Garcia, Ben Grzesik
Council Members Absent: (1) Vicky Magliocchino
Council Staff: (1) Alise Fields
DBS Staff Present via Teleconference: (3)
Antionette Williams, Lynn Ritter and Wayne Jennings.
Attendees: (5)
John Henry Douglas (FRC), Bill Findley (BBE), Tom Spiliotis (BBE), Don Toole (BBE), Robin Whiteley (Florida Center for the Blind), Tracey Bradley, April Hogden, Madeline Davidson.
A motion to adopt the Agenda was made and seconded. Motion passed.
Director’s Report
Robert Doyle presented the following:
- DBS General Update
- Vocational Rehabilitation Services ended with 713 successful outcomes for FY 2013-2014 slightly ahead of the FY 2012-2013 goal of 700 successful outcomes.
- Structural improvements have been implemented within the District offices to help consumers in the goals that they have established.
- Employment/National Talent Acquisition Portal
- DBS has obtained approval through the FDOE Legal Department to begin populating clients in the National Talent Acquisition Portal (NTAP).
- Portal is designed through the national Vocational Rehabilitation System that will be used nationally by employers to hire individuals with disabilities.
- Portal is expected to go live by the end of July.
- Goal is to bring more awareness.
- Goal is to have clients in the database that are employment ready.
- International association awarded the NTAP with a recognition award for websites that promote employment.
- Great tool for utilization goals for businesses.
- DBS is working closely with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR); DVR has an employment portal that is primarily used to promote job ready consumers.
- DBS is partnering with DVR to create a mechanism where job ready consumers via DBS will be in a position to be a part of a selection pool for businesses that are looking for employees.
- Currently MIS is testing a batch of clients for data security.
- DEO has invited DBS to test a new employment portal for accessibility devised by the State of Florida;
- A few challenges have been identified and are being revised.
- Accessibility aspects include looking at advancements;
- FDOE looking at core content in the classroom where students can have expose to building accessible websites to be included in curriculum.
- Chief of Staff is devising a committee to implement assessments and work plans throughout FDOE.
- DBS hosted the RSA Commissioner’s visit to Florida;
- Opportunities to connect with employers throughout the state of Florida about partnership and employment opportunities
- Met with HoverRound about additional employment opportunities and work from home opportunities.
- Met with Office Depot distribution facility to discuss partnership and employment opportunities.
- Looking to develop a training program that is hands on for individuals.
- Council Travel
- DBS Staff has developed a travel proposal on ways to improve and streamline the FRCB travel process.
- DBS is looking to implement signing authority.
- DBS is looking to implement direct billing for hotel rooms and rental vehicles;
- Persons working on behalf of the department should also be utilizing the AVIS contract with the State of Florida.
- This will include the eQuote system.
- This will help to streamline the reservation process.
- DBS is looking to have most if not all of these implemented by the February 2015 business meeting.
- DBS Council Staff will ensure that emails are directed to individuals when inquiring about reminders for travel documents opposed to sending a general email to all council members.
- DBS will consult with the FDOE on the maximum time allowed to send out prior authorizations.
- Contracts
- ITN Negotiations
- Posted an award for the statewide residential to continue the contract with the Conklin Center.
- A recommendation has been made for the existing ITN;
- DBS will provide information to the FRCB after departmental reviews have been completed.
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Transition Services contracts are under development;
- Looking at data in terms of clients served and units of services provided.
- Will use data to determine what changes need to be made to Vocational Rehabilitation and Transition Services contracts as a result of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act legislation (WIOA).
- Looking to combine and/or strengthen the contracts that maximize the resources.
- Process of hiring a new Contract Manager;
- The intended incumbent selected prior to the July FRCB Meeting declined the department’s offer of employment.
- The department is going through another selection process and is expected to be completed in two to three weeks’ time to be in a position to identify the new employee.
- In the interim, Wayne Jennings will provide leadership to the contract team.
- Immediate goals are to look at ways to apply stronger emphasis in the year round program and career expiration.
- Designed to be a strong focus on the employment side.
- WIOA boards will be redesigned to have a stronger emphasis on labor.
- Certain aspects of WIOA become effective immediately;
- Legislation did provide some leeway of the transition processes.
- Timelines implemented to help with the regulatory processes.
- In reference to the job driven approach DBS receives support from regional Technical Assistance Continuing Education Centers (TACE).
- These will go away in favor in more focused or consolidated technical centers.
- Notice of proposed priority that will reach to a minimum of 20 states within the next few years.
- Some agencies will not get the technical assistance needs.
- These agencies will have to rely on Councils such as the FRCB.
- RSA will bring out more technical aspects of providing technical assistance.
- State agencies will have to divert funding
- Concerns have been articulated to the RSA.
- WIOA is a new opportunity for VR and gives the opportunity to strengthen the employment outcome, strengthen partnerships with businesses, to have a focus on job readiness;
- There will be some redevelopment to be expected.
- Further discussion between the DBS and the FRCB will take place as it relates to the functions of the FRCB.
- Stateside the DBS is moving forward with clearinghouse legislation and having further discussion with BBE about implementing the registry of the blind.
- Registry of the blind is where healthcare professionals can refer patients who are diagnosed as legally blind, to the DBS for outreach;
- This will require notification from healthcare professionals.
- Leanne states that legislation did pass for deaf/blind notification for younger deaf/blind individuals, which is the reverse of the notification from the registry of the blind. This legislation will require healthcare professionals to ask for permission from the patient, to provide to the agencies statewide.
- Gifts and Donations
- DBS received approximately $55,000.00 from the Direct Support Organization
- Funds will provide support to DBS in the outreach efforts
- An account has been established to keep track of funds as they relate to spending on outreach.
- Comprehensive outreach across the State of Florida
- Outreach generates referrals and is an important initiative.
- Looking to implement target outreach based on a variety of different demographics.
- SB 1194
- Requirements
- Annual Reports that outline authority.
- Annual Report has been drafted by DBS staff and will be submitted by Friday, July 25, 2014.
- Budget
- Legislative Budget Request Process
- Department of Education has moved up the process for FY 14/15.
- Legislative Budget Request has been developed and discussed agency wide.
- This will determine the initiatives within the department that DBS will initiate.
- Governor’s Office will receive the request to make a determination on the recommended budget.
- Additional discussion will take place in-house to include the Chief of Operations and Compliance, about implementing changes to the budget;
- Children’s programs pose a strong need for coordinated services.
- Leanne Grillot states that the IEDA funds are available to separate out into grants; this will help to bridge the gap to better serve under privilege children.
- Paul Edwards states that the Florida Council for the Blind had a resolution on children ages 6-13. A Legislative Budget Request and continued involvement will be needed. Vocational Rehabilitation increased their budget and was successful in obtaining long term ability to maintain salary payments.
- Mr. Doyle states that this is a continued effort through the DBS and other collaborative efforts. There is an opportunity to spend down most funding and use it in a service to group category and a pre-vocational category that gets more resources to the K-12 population. This will help to build bridges that can be used to ask for supplemental appropriations.
- Mr. Doyle says that the FRCB needs to create a definition of what a children’s program is. The definition needs to be system wide so that there is leverage and maximization of resources.
- Sheryl Brown states that there should be more of a systematic legislative approach to gain sponsorship based on a national agenda.
- Donte Mickens states that the Lighthouse in West Palm Beach, has received Purchasing Orders for the summer program that they offer, from the DBS. They difficulty is getting the names for the referrals. There needs to be a more coordinated effort as it relates to the referral process, to provide more resources.
- Division of Blind Services has worked in a coordinated effort with FAASB to increase funding.
- Preliminary data provided would not substantiate a need for a Legislative Budget Request for FY 14/15.
- Director Doyle will review district allocations as they relate to children’s programs and the usage of funds to other programs.
- Robert Kelly asks will state agencies assume responsibility for training and is it safe to assume that there is no additional funding for technical assistances.
- Mr. Doyle responds that state agencies will assume responsibility for training and that there is no additional funding for technical assistances.
- Mr. Doyle states that RSA will provide assistance where they can but the specific focus will be on job driven focuses.
- State agencies will have to re-divert resources to provide technical assistances.
- Jesus Garcia asks what issues or aspects will change regarding the rehab council.
- Mr. Doyle responds that no immediate impacts to the rehabilitation council are expected. There is a design that there is a more coordinated effort across the various systems to work closer in a more coordinated effort as it relates to state plans.
- More opportunities for people to streamlines process and specializations.
- Sylvia Perez states that she commends the efforts of emphasizing corporate partnerships.
- Sylvia Perez asks If the older blind program will move from DBS.
- Mr. Doyle responds that the Independent Living Program will move to US Department of Human Services but the older blind program will stay with the RSA/DBS.
- This will create additional barriers where we will be working with two separate federal agencies.
- Paul Edwards asks was there a decision on the proportion of the funding to be allocated to transition.
- Mr. Doyle responds that 15% was allocated to transition and will not pose a negative impact on DBS funding.
Employer Recognition
Tracey Bradley, DA recognized MammaCare Corporation as the recipient of the Employer’s Award. MammaCare Corporation has provided technology, equipment assessments, and employment needed for clients in detection of breast cancer...
A group photo was taken of Bruce Miles, Robert Doyle, Tracey Bradley, and Dr. Mark Goldstein
District Administrator’s Report
Tracey Bradley, DA provided the Council with the following report: Attached
District 3 is comprised of a main office in Jacksonville and a satellite office in Gainesville.
- Staffing
- Between the two offices, the district staffs a total of 19 full time employees and 4 OPS reader/drivers. There are currently no vacancies.
- The district employs 5 visually impaired and/or blind staff members. We have 4 OPS reader/drivers one of which is assigned to the IL/CP program. Of our VR staff, 3 are Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (CRC).
- Performance Goals
- For FY 2013-2014, the district was assigned a goal of 100 successfully rehabilitated VR closures.
- To date, District 7 has successfully employed and closed 76 clients, 2 of which were veterans and 4 of which were college students.
- There are an additional 35 cases in employed status.
- District 7 is on target to meet and exceed their assigned goal by 8 successful placements.
- Activities
The district participated in quarterly marketing and outreach campaigns to increase referrals as well as reach underserved populations in rural areas. They focused on marketing to eye physicians, hospitals/clinics/medical centers, schools, churches, and other social/community programs. District 7 has seen an increase in referrals in most of the counties.
- Community Rehabilitation Providers
The district collaborates with three CRP’s.
- The Lighthouse for the Visually Impaired and Blind (LVIB) serves clients in Citrus, Hernando and Pasco counties.
- Bruce Miles asks how many clients are served through the University of Florida
- Maryanne responds that there are currently three clients on her caseload. There are students that are served at Santa Fe College also by another counselor in the local DBS district office.
- Chris White asks a follow up question which states: Are the students who are served through the local DBS office, also served by the DBS offices in the city and states in which they originally reside?
- Maryanne responds that no the students who receive services through the Florida DBS do not currently receive services from the home offices.
- Chris asks: As far as transportation as it relates to clients what is the barrier to receive successful closures and what is the issue with the three unsuccessful closures?
- Mr. Tracey Bradley responds that he supports a collaborative effort with other local agencies to provide transportation and resources for clients that are in need of transportation especially those in the more rural areas. Mr. Bradley takes more of a proactive approach to keep clients and employers engaged in the rehabilitation process.
Morning Break
DSO Update
Bruce Miles discussed the following information:
- Currently there are six members on the board;
- Paul Edwards is Chairman of the Board
- Founded in 2005
- New Board of Directors was established in 2011
- Goals were to cut expenses and make more donations
- Reduce expenses from approximately $130,000 per year to $15,000.
- End of FY 12/13 DSO donations distribution for Blind Babies was $ 32,292 and DBS Gifts & Donations was $ 4,241.
- In FY 13/14 expenses were cut to approximately $3,000.00 and a $52,049 donation was made to DBS (gifts and donation account) to be used for an Outreach Program.
- DSO Donation Account currently has approximately $18,600.
- DSO Stock Account currently has approximately $47,000.
- DSO Operating Account currently has approximately $66,000.
Paul Edwards discussed the following information:
The DSO approach in the report required by new legislation is to provide basic information along with a three year set of goals.
- Goals will be divided in to three areas.
- Identification of need; to look at how best to expend the funds raised for the DBS
- Marketing; to work with other components of the Biker’s Trust to have the availability of funds and to be more independent. With this goal the board wants to develop and implement approaches to ensure that the board effectively markets the purpose of the DSO to increase awareness. Expectation is to report for FY 14/15 to identify needs and approaches for handling funds and donations and that the DSO develop an appropriate marketing plan.
- Developing long range approaches; to expanding and developing approaches for greater involvement in other areas.
- Paul Kaminsky commends the board on efficiency and implementing new strategies. He asks is there are Federal resources that will help with continuing the strategies and meeting the goals.
FRC May Meeting Report
Paul Edwards discussed the following information:
- DVR State Plan Update
- Concerns drafted to include with the State Plan Draft
- Budgetary History
- Extended their order of selection to all categories;
- State legislature allocated funding in an ongoing budgetary agreement to support salary increases and enable the DVR to cut down the order of selection.
- Legislative Update
- Allocated dollars were divided.
- Paul presented the voting resolution from the FRCB.
- No response from the FRC at the time until further consul with their legal.
- Maintenance of effort is where the monies are used and allocated based on past expenses.
- Expected to accommodate most persons on the FRC waiting list for services.
- Stakeholders and Governor’s Appointments Office
- Maintain Council Membership
- One open membership-no appointment has come through the Governor’s Office to date.
- FRC has asked the Governor’s Office to allow the FRC to do an assessment of appointees.
VR Goals Update
Wayne Jennings provided the Council with his report and data as part of the meeting materials.
Successful Closures
- Visual statuses are indicating that people are marking them as secondary disabilities.
- Individuals that have one or more visual issue are encouraged to select visual issues as primary so that it will increase the cognitive issues field.
- Primary disability is vision related or accrued deaf/blind clients.
- DVR has conducted assessments and worked cases jointly with DBS.
- In these cases if there is a developmental disability then DVR will take the case and DBS will work on the vision aspect of the case.
- The “Other Reasons” category will be removed from the report going forward.
- Considering alerts for timeframes of closures using AWARE, to better assess clients’ eligibility to reapply for services after a closure.
- Based on the VR plan DBS can consider relabeling the closure categories to see if the current categories serve the districts interest.
- Christopher White asks how frequently these cases are reassessed. Are the entries being tracked appropriately through the districts?
- Wayne responds that DBS has not reevaluated each category for its usefulness.
- They have been combined in the like category in request of the council.
- Robert Doyle responds that DBS will reevaluate the categories for overlapping.
- Sylvia asks do we have the national average of successful closures
- Wayne and Robert Doyle respond that we can provide these totals once the federal government releases the wall chart. Currently available are the state FY totals.
- Paul Kaminsky asks if there is a way to break down closures as it relates to veteran’s affairs.
- Wayne responds that there is a way to gather this data and will be able to provide to the BVA.
- Christopher White asks what is the goal for the rehab rate
- Wayne Jennings responds that it is 750 for the state FY, and the federal goal is one more than the state.
- Robert Doyle responds that the percentage that we are targeting for the state FY ideally we want to be 60%-65%.
- Donte Mickens asks for the total for District 7; it appears to be incorrect
- Wayne responds that this will be corrected.
- Robert Kelly asks if we have information about the relationship between the presence or absence of a secondary disability and the rate of successful closures. He asks are there characteristics in each group and if not we should analyze to provide DBS with more information so DBS is going through the assessments correctly.
- Wayne responds that we do not currently have this data and that this will be considered.
- Dan O’Connor asks if the element regarding the cause for impairment is being utilized.
- Wayne responds that this element has not been used in the AWARE application as of late.
- Sheryl Brown asks has it been considered to include a category that captures a criminal background.
- Wayne says that this is a new feature and upgrade in AWARE.
- Sylvia asks is there a way to capture how many of the successful closures actually participated in rehabilitation.
- Wayne responds that individuals who contract with DBS must list services received. There has not been any program evaluation that shows any definitive answers about the services.
- Antionette says that this information can be captured in the 9.11 data to determine the correlation.
- Robert Kelly asks if DBS is going through the assessments of clients before opening a case
- Wayne Jennings responds that currently DBS has not established a system that will produce the manpower or resources to do upfront assessments.
- CW asks what is the status of an applicant or referral category being opened
- Wayne says that DBS has begun to use the referral module; no data analysis reports have been generated as of date.
- CW asks where do we start to have unsuccessful closure, is it post eligibility.
- Wayne says that yes, in the AWARE system there are only two closure types; rehabilitated or other than rehabilitated.
- Chris asks is this the time to rearrange this chart to capture ineligibility as a closure code. There is a stage where ineligibility is a reason for closing; can categories be used at a stage later than eligibility determination.
- Robert Doyle responds that as much as possible these determinations need to be made before the case is open. This will help with the rehab rate and limiting the use of resources. The Division is dedicated to analyzing the data to determine the best strategies and then educating the field.
- Madeline Davidson says that the Rehab Techs gather data and the Counselor determines eligibility.
- Robert Doyle says that DBS will go back to revisit policies and procedures.
- Bruce Miles can the same quarter from last year be included in the report for the current year for comp purposes.
- CW asks how long the transportation not available category has been an option for closure.
- Wayne responds that this has been available prior to AWARE
- CW suggests that closures be categorized so that there is evidence to point to during LBR.
Lunch Break
Meeting resumed at 1:05 PM
Florida Center for the Blind Report
Robin Whiteley, Executive Director of the Florida Center for the Blind provided the Council with a copy of her report.
The mission of the Florida Center for the Blind is where loss of vision does not mean loss of independence!
To provide free services for people who are visually impaired; empowering them to live safely, productively and independently.
We were nonprofit agency incorporated in 1989. Providing service to the following counties: Marion, Alachua, Bradford, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy and Union.
We provide center-based and in-home services to any individual who is blind or visually impaired. It is the client’s choice.
Florida Center for the Blind has 12 employees – 6 full time and 6 part time. All the professional staff have Master’s degrees. In 2013, we added a Social Worker.
We received DBS contracts for
Transition, Year round and extensive summer program
Vocational Rehabilitation,
Adult Program, non-vocational under 55
Older Blind, over 55
Services provided under each Contract:
Transition Program
Information and Referral
Case Management
Assistive Technology Training including but not limited to computers and iPads
Job Readiness Training
Work Experiences
Orientation and Mobility
Personal/Home Management
Low Vision - Magnification, Lighting, Eccentric Viewing
Counseling and Adjustment to Vision Loss training
Self Advocacy
Vocational Rehabilitation Program
Information and Referral
Case Management
Orientation and Mobility
Assistive Technology Training including computers, IPads and IPhones
Assessment and Instruction for adaptive software
Job Readiness Training
Personal/Home Management
Communications (includes Braille and keyboarding)
Self-Management of Diabetes
Low Vision - Magnification, Lighting, Eccentric Viewing
Counseling and Adjustment to Vision Loss training
Adult Program and Older Blind Rehabilitation Program
Information and Referral
Case Management
Orientation and Mobility
Personal and Home Management
Communications (includes Braille and keyboarding)
Self-Management of Diabetes
Low Vision - Magnification, Lighting, Eccentric Viewing
Assistive Technology Training including computers and IPads
Counseling and Adjustment to Vision Loss training
Community Resources
Funds to prove the above services come from DBS Grants as well as Corporate, Business and Individual grants and donations. We receive funds from Churches and many Lion’s Clubs. We have been fortunate to benefit from Bequests. We also do annual fundraisers such as Dining in the Dark and a Spring Luncheon.
Major Challenges
The majority of our clients live in rural areas and it takes staff time to get to and from in-home lessons.
In Marion County, the Marion County transportation will only bring clients to FCB either on Mondays or Wednesdays.
Transition – we pick up students from the 8 counties every day in the summer and take them home at the end of the day. We have to utilize FCB’s vehicles to accomplish this.
The Future
Florida Center for the Blind has outgrown our facility on 60th Ave. so we purchased two building in November 2013 and they are being remodeled to be a state of the art rehabilitation facility. The estimated move in date in October 2014. We plan to have a store to sell low vision products and we will have room to have community events.
Comments/ Questions
- Bruce asked about the square footage for the current building and the new one.
- Robin Whiteley responds that the building on 60th avenue is 5000 square feet the new building will be 7200 square feet.
- Bruce asked how many clients are currently being served and are you able to offer a blind babies program
- Served over 200 clients FY 13/14
- 15 currently in the transition program
- Currently not offering a blind babies program; will be looking to readdress with the opening of the new program.
- Paul Edwards asked if the center currently has any blind employees and if so, how many blind employees.
- 4 out of 12
- Jesus Garcia asked to clarify the transportation disadvantages.
- Marion County Senior Services is the paratransit in the area.
- Dan O’Connor asks in regards to the job readiness program is there a piece where they talk to someone in the career areas or to possibly shadow.
- Robin Whiteley responds that this is definitely a part of the transition program, they also utilize career connect where students can get mentorship.
- Leanne Grillot states that she encourages the center to look forward to blind babies and children services in Marion County as the county advertised the need for teachers late in the area.
BBE Update
Bill Findley, Tom Spiliotis provided the following information.
The Bureau of Business Enterprise creates business opportunities for visually impaired and blind people through the Randolph Shepard Act.
- Challenges
- Layoffs in Federal and State buildings in part from the recession
- Cutbacks from NASA- 20,000 employees and contracted workers to approximately 5,000, this resulted in a net-loss of three facilities, two vending routes and one snack bar in the launch control center.
- Postal processing centers are mostly vending routes and no longer single standalone facilities
- Military dining halls need to have a teaming partner to handle the military contracts at Tyndall Air force Base.
- BBE is faced with opposition in many areas due to coin operated machines and adapting to new technological vending advancements.
- Operations
- Currently service 55 rest areas.
- 13 cafeterias in which two include military dining halls.
- Three branches of armed services.
- Payments are divided amongst the branches based on the number of service personnel who dine.
- A micro market has been installed in a federal building in Tampa. The second will be installed in a federal building in Orlando, this year.
- Federal FY 12/13 in Florida, BBE licensed and trained 29 people and placed 26 people and the others are working as employees for other vendors.
- As of October 2013, 11 people have been licensed, 3 of which are in facilities to date and 2 have been awarded. Others have been licensed as of April 2014 and/or have other issues that temporarily hinder placement.
- June 2013 through May 2014 overall sales are $18,800,000.00. This amount is trending up as BBE is adding facilities.
- Veteran’s Affairs and BBE are partnering to place vending machines in facilities and hospitals.
- Two facilities in Miami are removing vending services from their buildings.
- Bill Findley sent an email to the Mayor of Miami and the Commissioners of Miami-Dade to notify them of the challenges and our interest to preserve these services.
Tom Spiliotis, Chairman of State Committee presented the following
- Works in collaboration with BBE under the Randolph Shepard Program and is governed by federal rules.
- Every SLA vendors elect a committee.
- Committees work closely with the agency to govern the program. The committee is to actively participate with BBE for program development.
- Committee has quarterly meetings that are open to the public.
- Sub-committees are mandated under government rules
- Audit and Budget, Grievance, Promotion, Training and Re-training, Public Relations, Mentoring, and Finance.
- Mentoring sub-committee serves as further support for the newly licensed operators.
- Don Toole is the Chief Mentor of the sub-committee.
- 5 mentors throughout the State of Florida
- Challenges include entrance evaluations and exit interviews which help to address issues that arise from students.
- Exit interview consists of 5 people. 2 people from the Training Committee, Operations Manager Maureen Fink, Bill Findley and Tom Spiliotis.
- Exit interview consists of questions about their training and the experience.
- BBE makes changes based on the feedback
Comments/ Questions
- Gloria Mills asks what the average gross income is for vendors enrolled in the BBE Program.
- Bill Findley responds that the average managerial earnings for the 12 month period previously stated is $60,600.00.
- 5% goes back in to the program via BBE
- Low range is $8,000-$12,000.00 income by choice.
- High range is $
- Gloria Mills asks if coming from another state with experience as vendor is a potential client required to take the training in Daytona Beach, FL essentially starting from the beginning.
- Bill Findley responds that yes, this is true. However, BBE is exploring possible ways to test in place of the training in Daytona Beach.
- There is one module that an individual can take to test out.
- Tom Spiliotis responds that it is difficult to verify qualifications of a potential vendor coming from another state and what assessments they may have taken.
- Bill Findley stated that BBE is always grateful for assistance from the FRCB
- Sheryl Brown commends BBE on a great job.
Client Satisfaction Survey
Minna Jia, Director, Survey Research Laboratory College of Social Sciences and Public Policy
Florida State University provided the final report of FY 13/14 to the Council prior to the Quarterly Meeting. Report is in the attachments related to the July 2014 Business Meeting.
Afternoon Break
Meeting resumed at 3:00 PM
DBS Policies
Antionette Williams provided the following information:
Draft Self-Employment Policy has been provided to the Council prior to the July Business Meeting.
- Policy 2.10 Self-Employment–
- Christopher White suggests that some clarity be applied to paragraph E-1 in the skills section of the policy as it relates to who would make up the Self-Employment Committee.
- Antionette Williams responds that the point will be considered.
- Christopher White suggests the language as relates to the ongoing operating expenses of small business in Section F-2 be revisited for punctuation and or clarity on siting the word regulations.
- Antionette Williams responds that the draft will be reviewed for clarity and siting.
- Christopher White suggests that there should be consistency on the approval processes during the self-employment committee evaluation.
- Antionette Williams responds that the points will be taken in to consideration.
- Paul Edwards states that the language around the self-employment committee evaluation that includes the $10,000 limitation should be considered for removal from the policy. Repetitious language should also be considered for removal.
- Antionette Williams responds that this is a possibility and will be considered.
- Dan O’Connor asks what is the position of support for people not seeking a not for profit business through DBS.
- Antionette Williams responds that when sponsoring a business the focus when developing the policy was on businesses that would bring in a profit.
- Mr. Doyle responds that DBS will review the regulations surrounding the language.
- Christopher White follows up that the bottom line is that we are looking for people to gain a wage and that the DBS should look to supporting that.
- Donte Mickens states that the policy seems to be more procedural and to consider the principles and purpose.
- Antionette Williams responds that this will be taken in to consideration.
- Paul Edwards states that at one time during the development of the policy that we were explicit about everyone are required to demonstrate a certain level of training and what training that people should have. It appears that this has changed throughout the process and sufficient training should be applied to promote success on this platform.
FILC Update
Patricia Lipovsky presented the following information.
- Meetings consists of various committees meetings that discuss a number of topics.
- FILC will have a poker run in August as a fundraiser.
- FILC adopted the FRCB voting resolution; it was accepted and will be placed on the FILC website.
Meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM.