Florida Southwestern State College
8099 College Parkway, Building U, Room 102
Fort Myers, Florida  33919

Thursday July 28, 2016

The meeting was held at 6:35 P.M.

Council Members Present: 11
Robert Kelly, Mikey Wiseman, Sylvia Stinson-Perez, Patricia Lipovsky,  Bruce Miles, Donte Mickens, Robert Doyle, Gloria Mills, Sandra Burke, Paul Edwards, Howard  Bell

Council Members Absent: 3
Leanne Grillot, Charles Brooks, Jesus Garcia

Council Staff: 1
Selena Sickler

Consumers Present Via Phone: 0

Chairman Robert Kelly stated the Rehabilitation Council for the Blind is a group of volunteers appointed by the Governor.  Mr. Kelly stated the purpose of the council was to assist the Division of Blind Services with the development of its plans and assist in evaluating the effectiveness of its services.  Chairman Kelly asked if there was an objection to dispense with the introduction of the audience members due to the late start of the meeting and requested that anyone choosing to speak to complete a speaker card.

First Consumer Comment

Second Consumer Comment

DBS Response

Third Consumer Comment

Lighthouse of Collier
Robin Goldstone Garcia presented a report.  A summary of the report is below.

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM.


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