Hyatt Place Pensacola Airport
161 Airport Lane
Pensacola, Florida  32504

Wednesday May 10, 2017

Chairwoman Patricia Lipovsky called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. (CT) with the Pledge of Allegiance and opening comments.

Council Members Present: 8
Patricia Lipovsky, Sandra Burke, Gloria Mills, Robert Kelly, Robert Doyle, Bruce Miles, Paul Edwards, Mikey Wiseman

Council Members Via Phone: 1
Howard Bell

Council Members Absent: 1
Charles Brooksen

Council Staff: 1
Selena Sickler

DBS Staff: 7
Bridget Giles, Allison Flanagan, Cynthia Lyons, Lauren Williams, Stephanie Lambert, Lancelot Bonner, Genevieve English Charles

Consumers in Attendance: 5

First Consumer Comment

Second Consumer Comment

DBS Repsonse:

Third Consumer Comment

Forth Consumer Comment

Fifth Consumer Comment

Paul Edwards suggested for audience introductions due to the extra time available. Chair Lipovsky agreed. The audience introduced themselves.

Chair Lipovsky asked for audience comments.

President of the Pensacola Chapter of the Florida Council of the Blind, Cecil Edgecumb, announced a meeting at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow at Cordova Lanes.

Consumer 2 asked if anyone knew of a transportation service for the visually impaired on a fixed income.

Mr. Denny asked if DBS would subsidize transportation services.

The meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. (CT)

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