The Florida Hotel & Conference Center
1500 Sand Lake Drive
Orlando, Florida 32809
July 27, 2017
Chairwoman Patricia Lipovsky called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. (ET) with the Pledge of Allegiance and opening comments.
Council Members Present:
Patricia Lipovsky, Robert Doyle, Bruce Miles, Sandra Burke, Howard Bell, Lenora Marten, Mikey Wiseman, Paul Edwards, Robert Kelly,
Council Members Absent:
Charles Brooks
Council Staff:
Selena Sickler
DBS Staff:
Bridget Giles, Mireya Hernandez, Nancy Brown, Ted Pobst, Jeff Whitehead, Walter Blackman, Stacy Smith , Allison Flanagan, Lee Anne Alderman, Brian Michaels
Ten Consumers Attended
First Consumer Comment
- DBS has not eased their accessibility on having your case re-opened after being closed.
- Director Doyle indicated that DBS is addressing elements in the policy revisions that would help to speed up the reopening of a case.
- DBS was going to have someone from Tallahassee drive to Orlando to provide training in Google Docs instead of referring to a local Lighthouse.
- Director Doyle indicated that service provided under contact are comprehensive services and does have an impact on referrals. Services that would require a short- term training can be delivered through a purchase order.
Second Consumer Comment
- Asked how the language in WIOA affected referrals to Lighthouse Works.
- Director Doyle responded by indicating that regulations do have an impact on referrals, for example referrals to a lower paying retail job considered to be integrated over a higher paying job.
Third Consumer Comment
- Thanked DBS for the equipment and for sending him to the lighthouse.
- Disappointed that DBS did not help him find his current job at Lighthouse Works.
- Director Doyle congratulated him for finding a job and stated the job process was a dual approach.
Fourth Consumer Comment
- Stated that his counselor discouraged him from applying for a position as a Call Center Representative at Lighthouse Works.
Mikey Wiseman suggested limiting the response time to 1 or two minutes in order so that everyone would have the opportunity to be heard.
Fifth Consumer Comment
- Thanked DBS for the many services he received.
- Expressed concern on getting services in a timely manner.
Sixth Consumer Comment
- Expressed how grateful she was for the services received from DBS and the Lighthouse of Central Florida.
Seventh Consumer Comment
- Expressed her appreciation to DBS and the opportunity to find a job.
Eighth Consumer Comment
- Expressed his appreciation for the services received.
- Stated his concern regarding the pressure to close his case.
Ninth Consumer Comment
- Expressed his appreciation for DBS and the Lighthouse.
Tenth Consumer Comment
- Expressed how thankful he was for DBS.
The public forum adjourned at 5:48 p.m.