Government Web Sites
ADA Homepage
Web site - ADA Homepage
Description - Information and technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Web site -
FAAST, Inc., is governed by the Assistive Technology Act of 2004. We are sponsored by the Florida Department of Education, and are administered through its Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Our web site has links to many other state and federal agencies, as well as private organizations.
Social Security Online
Web site - Social Security Online
Description - The Social Security Administration is headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland and has ten regional offices and 1300 local offices nationwide. We pay retirement, disability and survivors benefits to workers and their families and administer the Supplemental Security Income program. We also issue Social Security numbers.
United States Access Board
Web site - United States Access Board
Description - The Access Board is an independent Federal agency devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities. Created in 1973 to ensure access to federally funded facilities, the Board is now a leading source of information on accessible design. The Board develops and maintains design criteria for the built environment, transit vehicles, telecommunications equipment, and for electronic and information technology. It also provides technical assistance and training on these requirements and on accessible design and continues to enforce accessibility standards that cover federally funded facilities.