Frequently Asked Questions
- What if I don't have the time, resources, or expertise to train a blind employee?
- Florida Blind Services provides training to clients and can do so on the job with a job coach. We provide a stipend to the employee during a training internship so that there is no expense to you. Most likely the individual will require little more time to train than any other employee. Florida Blind Services will also provide any equipment or assistive technology that may be needed free of charge.
- How would I discipline or correct a blind individual?
- You should deal with a blind employee the same way as any other employee. They are expected to produce and to behave in the same manner as any non-disabled employee.
- Our industry is very dangerous. How could we hire a blind individual?
- Florida Blind Services has no intention of placing blind people in dangerous situations. We will do a thorough evaluation of the work site and discuss with you "real" versus "perceived" dangers. Also, Florida Blind Services provides on-site training in orientation and mobility and would map out routes designed to avoid dangerous situations.
- Would an individual with a disability need more sick leave and flex time?
- Blind employees are expected to work like any non-disabled employee. They require no additional time off from work because of blindness. Depending upon the transportation system, however, they may require some flexibility at times. But many other employees require flex time as well for other reasons.
- What if I don't have an opening right now?
- We suggest you allow us to provide a client on an internship at no cost to you so that you can experience for yourself having a blind employee. You would then have the option of hiring that individual when an opening does occur.
- How will a blind individual get to work?
- Blind people receive training to travel independently. Special transportation may be available to help blind people get to work, but many take the bus or ride in car pools just like non-disabled employees.
- How will a blind employee find their work station, the bathroom, or other places at the job site?
- Florida Blind Services provides training to blind individuals at the work site so that they can find important locations independently. Florida Blind Services will also provide training to co-workers in how to show a blind employee to a new location. This helps the co-worker feel confident in their ability to assist their blind co-worker should the need arise.
- Could a blind employee keep up with the workload demands?
- Through proper assessment of the job and the candidate for employment, Florida Blind Services can better determine if the disability of blindness would prevent an individual from being as productive as might be needed. In addition, through our internship program, you can determine for yourself if a blind individual could handle the work load, with no cost or obligation to you.
- What if I can't afford the extra equipment or technology that a blind individual might need to perform this type of work?
- Florida Blind Services will purchase any equipment that you would not normally provide for a non-disabled employee. We will install it, configure it, and train the employee to use it.
- Will hiring a blind individual affect our insurance rates?
- Insurance companies base their rates on your overall accident rate and the type of business you are, not on whether or not you have disabled employees.