Program Manual
12.0 - Vocational Rehabilitation Documentation Format Outlines
NOTE: Refer to Documentation Guidelines located in VR program folder in the S drive.
12.1 - Initial Interviews
- Initial Interviews for all programs will be done face to face.
- Initial Interviews must be written using the template found in the “Letters” section of AWARE. When selecting the Initial Interview template, it is important to ensure that the checkbox is marked allowing the document to be saved in the “Participant Notes” section of AWARE.
- Each section of the template should be completed in detail and tell a descriptive and informative story about the client. “Not Applicable” is unacceptable for section completion. Moreover, sections must not be left blank.
12.2 - Certificate of Eligibility
- Select Certificate of Eligibility form in the Participant Letters Function of AWARE
- Add form to Activity History from Write Letters sub function.
- Place print copy signed by Rehabilitation Specialist in paper case file.
- Complete Comment section for the Primary Disability of the Disability Sub-function in the AWARE case file describing how the client’s bilateral visual impairment poses an impediment to employment.
- If client has additional disabilities they must be entered on the disability screen (documentation is only required if DBS will be providing services due to the secondary disability(s), i.e. mental health counseling for depression, Supported Employment Services, etc.).
12.3 - Certificate of Ineligibility
- Select Certificate of Ineligibility form in the Participant Letters Function of AWARE.
- Add form to Activity History from Write Letters sub function.
- Place print copy signed by Rehabilitation Specialist in paper case file.
12.4 - Vocational Goal Statement
(Complete as Part of the Individualized Plan for Employment in the AWARE case file, “Goals” sub function of the Plan)
- State the employment outcome of the client and briefly describe how this goal was decided upon and is consistent with the client’s career interests, abilities and, to the extent appropriate, with the individual’s informed choice.
- Describe the extent to which goods and services will be provided in the most integrated setting possible consistent with informed choice. If services are to be rendered or job placement is to be in a non-integrated setting, briefly describe why this decision has been made.
- If the client is receiving exceptional education services in the public school system, briefly describe coordination of goods and services with the Individual Education Plan (IEP).
12.5 - Statement of Justification for Comprehensive Assessment Plan
(Complete as Part of the Individualized Plan for Employment in the AWARE case file, “Goal’s” sub function of the Plan)
- Briefly describe what additional data is needed in order to determine the client’s employment outcome, objectives, services, and/or service providers and how this data will be obtained.
- Describe the extent to which goods and services will be provided in the most integrated setting possible consistent with informed choice. If services are to be rendered in a non-integrated setting, briefly describe why this decision has been made.
12.6 - Statement of Justification for Trial Work or Extended Evaluation Plan
(Complete as Part of the Individualized Plan for Employment in the AWARE case file, “Goal’s” sub function of the Plan)
- Briefly describe what additional data is needed in order to determine the client’s eligibility for VR services and the scope of services that are required to reach an employment outcome. Specify how this data will be obtained through work trials or an extended evaluation.
- Describe the extent to which the work trials or extended evaluation will be in the most integrated setting possible consistent with informed choice. If services are to be rendered in a non-integrated setting, briefly describe why this decision has been made.
12.7 - Employment Outcome Summary
(Complete in the Closure sub function of the AWARE case file)
- Briefly state how the employment outcome is consistent with the client’s abilities, interests, and informed choice.
- Describe the extent to which the employment outcome is in the most integrated setting possible consistent with informed choice. If the employment setting is not integrated, briefly describe why this decision was made.
- State how the individual considers the employment outcome to be satisfactory.
- Briefly describe the client’s performance on the job and the employer’s level of satisfaction.
- Briefly describe the anticipated need for post-employment services. If there is no anticipated need, provide a statement that the client was informed of the availability of post-employment services. If appropriate, state how services will be provided or arranged through cooperative agreements with other service providers.
- Supported Employment (if appropriate) describes the extended services needed and identifies the source of these services.
- Describe how the services in the Division of Blind Services Individualized Plan for Employment contributed to the successful outcome.
- Final Goal statement on last plan should match closure goal.
12.8 - Post-Employment Outcome Summary
(Complete in the Closure sub function of the AWARE case file)
- Briefly state how the employment outcome is consistent with the client’s abilities, interests, and informed choice.
- Describe the extent to which the employment outcome is in the most integrated setting possible consistent with informed choice. If the employment setting is not integrated, briefly describe why this decision was made.
- State how the client considers the employment outcome to be satisfactory.
- Briefly describe the client’s performance on the job and the employer’s level of satisfaction.
- Describe how the services in the Division of Blind Services Individualized Plan for Employment contributed to the successful outcome.
12.9 - AWARE File Documentation Requirements
NOTE: Refer to Documentation Guidelines located in VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION program folder in the O: Drive.
12.9.1 - Case Tracking
- Application Function Standards
All fields are complete and correct for cases in all statuses.
- Income Function Standards
- Contains one entry for Support Source – Primary Application Source for cases in all statuses.
- Contains one entry for Support Source – Primary Closure Source for cases in successful closure status.
- All other income sources at application are listed as Support Source – Application Source.
- All other income sources at closure are listed as Support Source – Closure Source.
- Status Function Standards
- An eligibility determination was made within 60 days of application unless waived by the individual with a specific timeframe agreed to for determination.
- Closure Reason must be indicated.
- Closure Approval Date is at least 90 days from the Date Work Began for cases in successful closure status.
- Closure Function Standards
- Legally blind is updated complete and correct on the special programs page.
- Outcome Summary is complete and accurate.
- Activity History Function Standards: One of the following must be completed
- Contains an indication that a Certificate of Eligibility was completed.
- Contains an indication that a Certificate of Ineligibility was completed.
- Contains an indication that a Certificate of Extended Evaluation was completed.
- Disability Summary Function Standards
- Contains one Primary Disability entry for cases.
- If applicable, contains additional secondary disability entries.
- Severe Disability and Most Severe Disability indicators are complete and correct on the special programs page.
- Comment Section contains a description of the impediments to employment.
12.9.2 - Case Progress Reports
- Scheduled Reviews occur as indicated on the Activity Due reminder with full participation of the individual annually at minimum.
- Case Progress Reports document significant progress toward achieving the vocational goal (Refer to Documentation Guidelines located in the O: Drive\VR program folder.) Documentation should address who, what, where, why, when and how.
12.10 - Participant Planning
- Contains an active approved IPE.
- IPE was developed and approved within 60 days of eligibility determination.
- IPE contains service beginning and end dates.
- Plan contains Vocational Goal Statement that is complete and accurate, discussed with and agreed upon with client.
- Amended IPE
- Contains current services (all completed or unnecessary services have been removed).
- Vocational goal is accurate.
- All added services support vocational goal.
12.11 - Paper File Documentation Requirements
- Paper file should be organized using the guide, Organization of Participant Files.
- All filing must be placed in file promptly upon request.
- Only those items listed in the Organization of Client Files will be in the paper file.
NOTE: Organization of Client Files outline is located in the O: Drive/VR program folder.