State Committee of Vendors Meeting

Conference Call - May 11, 2010

Residence requirement for Type 1 LOFA's

"Effective with the May, 2010 vacancy announcement a vendor who accepts a Type I appointment to any BEP facility is required to establish legitimate physical residency at a distance of not more than 75 verifiable driving miles from said facility."

The Division shall allow the vendor up to 90 days from execution of the Licensed Operator Facility Agreement (LOFA) to comply with this requirement. The Agency may grant an extension of not more than 30 days if the vendor demonstrates a compelling reason for the additional time. Failure to comply shall be considered a material breach of contract and the LOFA shall be cancelled."

"The Division shall establish a method of verifying that the vendor is in compliance with this requirement."

"The above statement shall become part of every vacancy announcement and shall be incorporated into all new Type 1 LOFA's."

The committee met by teleconference on May 11, 2010 for the sole purpose of considering and either adopting or rejecting the policy stated above. Mr. Spiliotis called the meeting to order at 6 P.M. and Mr. Klindtworth called the roll. With the exceptions of Districts 2 and 6, all Reps and/or Alternates were present. Also present were Ms. Kathleen Crosson as conference leader and Ms. Gyorke Alger as presenter of the document to be considered.

After discussion and two changes to the document, Mr. Rose moved to accept it. Mr. Saunders seconded and after further discussion and answers to questions and concerns by members Mr. Klindtworth called the roll.

The motion carried with six in favor, one opposed and one abstention.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Gyorke Alger

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