Vendor Training and Schedules

BEP Training Class Schedule
Classes last for 16 weeks. Contact the Administrative Services Consultant for a class schedule. Students should plan to arrive the day before their start date. Classes are held at the Rehabilitation Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired at Daytona Beach.
A completed application packet (including all assessments and proofs) should be submitted to the BEP office a minimum of six weeks prior to the class start date. Applications received after the deadline will be considered for the next available class.
For information contact Mary Ellen Harding, Administrative Services Consultant at (850) 245-0308 or by email at Ongoing programs at the center may result in a change in class dates.
Training Classes
The Division of Blind Services operates a residential Rehabilitation Center in Daytona Beach, Florida. An individual lives at the Center for the duration of the BEP training offered there.
When an individual attends the Center for training, he/she will undergo 16 weeks of modules covering the required course work. A score of 80% or above is required to pass each module. If the trainee does not receive a passing grade after two attempts, they will need to request permission from the BEP Bureau Chief in order to take the exam a third time.
The training modules are as follows:
- Vending Module (3 weeks)
- Business Startup Module (2 weeks)
- Record Keeping Module (3 weeks)
- Food Safety Module (2 weeks)
- Food Service Module (4 weeks)
- Business Management Module (2 weeks)
On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Following 16 weeks of training at the Daytona Beach Rehabilitation Center, the trainee will be scheduled for on-the-job (OJT) training. OJT builds on skills already achieved in the basic modular training and gives the opportunity for hands on training in an actual BEP facility. The State Office notifies the counselor and client of the location and start date of OJT. The training takes 4 to 10 weeks.
Emphasis is placed on proper food handling, inventory control, menu planning, vending machine maintenance, customer satisfaction and basic business management including completion of the Monthly Business Report and the Request for Reimbursement forms.
After successfully completing all of the training competencies, the BEP State Office schedules the client for a Licensure Examination. Questions are developed from important duties and responsibilities included in Chapter 6A-18 (FAC); the Licensed Operator Facility Agreement (LOFA); the BEP Manual; ServSafe Study Guide; and Vending Machine Programming Guides. A score of 80% or above is required to earn a recommendation for licensure. If this threshold is met and all training reports and eligibility documents are in order, the BEP State Office issues a numbered license to the client, who then becomes a Licensee and eligible to compete for BEP facility vacancies. The license shall be perpetual, but subject to suspension, revocation or surrender as specified in other sections of this Manual.