Quarterly Meeting of the State Committee of Vendors

Friday, March 8, 2024

Chairman, Randall Crosby called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. Vice Chairman, Kurt Ponchak called the role.

The following individuals were present: Randall Crosby, Chairman; Kurt Ponchak, Vice Chairman; Mitzi Bowen, State Committee of Vendors Recording Secretary.

District Representatives: Mike Sumler, District 1 Alternate; Patrick Martin, District 2 Alternate; Mark Turner, District 3; Randy Shuster, District 4; David Stevens, District 5; Phil Hubbard, District 6; Jim Warth, District 7; Sead Bekric, District 8 via Teams; Orlando Ramirez, District 9; Antonio Gonzalez, District 10.

Bureau of Business Enterprise Staff: Bill Findley, Bureau Chief; Maureen Fink, Operations Manager; Alan Risk, Compliance Officer; John Ahler, Business Analyst; Not present, Marketing and Site Development Manager; Brian Ashworth, Region 1 Business Consultant; Bernie Kaiserian, Region 2 Business Consultant; Jay Payne, Region 3 Business Consultant; Tony Arduengo, Region 4 Business Consultant; Alecia Brown, Region 5 Business Consultant; Not present, Region 6 Business Consultant; Mary Ellen Harding, Administrative Services Consultant.

Division of Blind Services: Robert L. Doyle, Director.
Licensed Vendors and guests: Jason Carpenter, Mike McCrea, Luquarn Moses, Josue Rivera, and Michelle Mendez.
Two motions to amend agenda – Kurt Ponchak, Change micro-market discussion time slot and extend the committee meeting past 4:00 p.m. if need be. Seconded – Patrick Martin, Agenda adopted without objection

Motion to accept the minutes from the last committee meeting held on December 8, 2023 as written and sent out the beginning of February 2024 – Kurt Ponchak. Seconded – Patrick Martin, Accepted without objection
Motion to accept the minutes from virtual meeting held on January 8, 2024 – Kurt Ponchak. Seconded – Mark Turner, Accepted without objection

Policy Procedure for Nominations – Kurt Ponchak
Consider amending the policy manual by adding section 8.4 regarding nominations for the grievance and selection panel. A draft was sent out via e-mail that includes the process for nominations and a person’s willingness to serve as either a member or alternate on appointed committees or panels. A new form (780 series) will be created for an application process. Kurt proceeded to explain the process in detail. If the policy is accepted it will be tested December 2024. After some discussion the committee will reconsider the proposal once revisions have been made to comply with Robert’s Rules and Sunshine Law. Robert Doyle clarified that no 2 committee members can discuss issues amongst each other that can potentially come to a vote in the future according to Sunshine Law. Motion to table conversation indefinitely – Jim Warth, Seconded – Phil Hubbard, Roll call vote, District 1 – not present, 2 – no, 3 – no, 4 – no, 5 – no, 6 – no, 7 – yes, 8 – no, 9 – no, 10 – no, Chair – no, Vice-Chair – no. Motion failed 10 to 1.

Additional Document for Changeovers – Colton Knight
A new form (Market Account Transfer Balance Agreement) was e-mailed to committee reps. It would be added to micro-market changeovers. Without the form an exiting vendor has no obligation to pay any balances owed to an incoming vendor for account liabilities derived from customers having funded accounts. We can’t add language to LOFA’s since the liability is not working capital. Motion to adopt the draft micro-market form pending legal review – Kurt Ponchak, Seconded – Patrick Martin, Motion passed without objection.

Equipment Replacement Policy – Kurt Ponchak
The issue of equipment repairs/replacement has come up a few times at prior meetings. There is no established written guideline or policy in place. Discussion included moving under- performing machines to better locations, keeping aged machines that perform very well, excessive repair costs, machine exposure to the elements, part availability, machine appearance, etc. Several suggestions made. Create a guideline as opposed to a policy to prevent unnecessary purchasing in the future, perform a review once a year to ensure the process has been successful, document a machine’s poor performance and discuss with the consultant, create a 5/8/10 year review per machine, create a yes/no questionnaire with a predetermined amount of yes/no answers as the guideline, create a repair log the consultant reviews quarterly since machines pass from vendor to vendor, consider leasing, etc.

By Law Amendment – Kurt Ponchak
A document was e-mailed to committee reps. Robert’s Rules defines majority as being more than half. The following motion applies to the Chair and Vice Chair positions only.  Motion to amend By Law Article 4, Section B, subsection 8, by removing the word simple from the phrase simple majority and present the amendment for a statewide vote of all eligible vendors, Kurt Ponchak, Seconded – Jim Warth, Roll call vote, District 1 – yes, 2 – yes, 3 – no, 4 – yes, 5 – yes, 6 – no, 7 – yes, 8 – yes, 9 – yes, 10 – yes, Chair – yes, Vice Chair – yes. Motion passed 10 to 2. The amendment will be presented to the state body of vendors for their consideration.           

BBE Updates – Bill Findley
Condolences were expressed over the recent passing of longtime vendor, Victor Rosario. Innovative Blast turned out to be a great success. An impressive number of vendors and exhibitors were in attendance from all over the country. Florida had a huge presence given the event location. The committee’s vote to cover lodging and registration costs is much appreciated. There was a successful submission to the new payment system for monthly business reports. We are waiting approval to go live. February reports will be entered into the new portal. We haven’t heard from Tyndall Mess Attendant Services after submitting a proposal. The new contract is supposed to start April 1st. A decision should be made next week. We are still pursuing vending at Eglin and Hurlburt. With new construction completing we plan to expand our presence at Tyndall. There’s a possibility of arbitration at Eglin over vending. They are moving very slowly on the permit we’ve submitted. RSA wants us to move forward with an arbitration panel that is being assembled at this time. On February 5th in Dallas NABM filed a lawsuit against (AAFES) Army and Air Force Exchange Service. We are waiting on our vending permit through Hurlburt.
Motion to postpone lunch and budget segment of agenda to later times – Kurt Ponchak Seconded – Mark Turner. Passed without objection

DBS/DOE Updates – Robert Doyle
Today is the last day of legislative session. We will have our final budget today. Overall the Division received a 16.8% increase in the budget. Of That 1.8 million was requested for Tyndall. Some funds are going to specified Lighthouses. Funds were requested to make updates to the Daytona campus. An additional 7 million was requested to allow us to draw down our federal grant. It was in the budget until the end when it was determined some funding needed removing. We may have to give back 7 plus million in federal grants again next year. It’s hoped funding can be used to offer mental health services to those new to blindness, increase pay to providers, purchase equipment to help our aging blind population, etc. Rumors regarding agencies merging did not come to pass, but DBS will be watching bills being presented during the next legislative session. This is due to the number of questions and public comments received. Every 4 years several agencies collaborate on a state plan of services. It is published and people are welcome to comment. Not for Profits, for example, Lighthouses, can apply for funds through the Gifts and Donations Program. Entities can apply for up to $50,000 per request. The legislature approved a 3% increase in state employee salaries. Several collaboration groups went to the legislature in Tallahassee to give lessons on the needs of blind individuals in Florida. They plan to do it again in January 2025 and encourage collaborative participation from others. There are opinions on where Sunshine law applies when it comes to general session and vendors discussing issues. It is hoped we can get a reprieve after speaking with our attorneys. Sunshine law does apply to committee members. They may not discuss potential issues up for discussion amongst each other outside of committee meetings. Committee and subcommittee meetings need to be posted in advance. The floor should be open for public comment prior to any voting. 1 of 4 vendors represented in the AAFES lawsuit is from Florida. Our representatives are creating a brief in support of that vendor to include our concerns. Comments by Kurt Ponchak - We are going to have some meetings internally regarding the budget. There are items we need to approach the legislature with. Our vendors generate over 1 million in sales tax each year and by employing personnel contribute to the growth of our economy. It was suggested this conversation continue at the June meeting. We need to ensure we are not missing out on any dollar matching opportunities.
Meeting paused for Orcam device presentation by Josue Rivera and Michelle Mendez. 

Budget Report – Bill Findley and Kurt Ponchak
We have the ability to increase our spending authority and need to work on it. It was suggested committee members read the RSA 15 to get an understanding of how the budget and our spending operate within the agency. The information including RSA reports can be found on their website. This includes other states. Our set-aside account shows we are in a good position. We need to spend more out of the account in order to increase spending authority. It will reduce any money we have to return later. Currently, an average of $53,000 a month is deposited into the set-aside account which exceeds the annual spending authority amount of $595,000. Typically with government any spending ideas need to be planned at least 2 years in advance.   

Type II Update – Maureen Fink
We currently have 27 type II’s. 2 have been combined. Facilities 577 with 578 – I-10 Crestview rest areas and 415 with 416 – I-4 Longwood rest areas. Some type II’s will be advertised in the future, some need to grow, and some will be added to existing facilities if they are not viable on their own. A concern is how long we keep some type II’s that vendors are not interested in operating. Things will get better at the Broward Sherriff’s Office after parking construction is complete and staff can return to work. An unexpected structural issue has caused a delay with no ETA for completion at this time. It was suggested some larger areas with routes reevaluate the vendor’s locations in an attempt to prevent unnecessary crossing of boundary lines. Consider trading locations amongst each other if the parties agree.      

Business Analyst Report – John Ahler
The agency received their new Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which now includes a requirement for all contractors and subcontractors to register and use the E-Verify system for new employees. Effective last July 1st, having less than 25 employees does not make us exempt since we are contractors conducting business with a public agency. E-Verify is used to confirm employment eligibility in the US. It’s similar to an I-9 form only internet based with immediate results. It’s advised to use the system on current employees so we have a record of it. There may be a poster involved since we are required to notify people that we use E-Verify. You have 3 days from hire to confirm employment eligibility. By the end of this year all corporations, excluding sole proprietors, are required to register their beneficial ownership information with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Vendors have until December 31, 2024 to comply and avoid penalties. Vendors incorporating in 2024 have 90 days to comply. E-verify and the beneficial ownership information will be added to training in Daytona and the new vendor checklist. Vendors are encouraged to look at our RSA report. It is a good tool in helping to understand what our program is about. We did 23.6 million in gross sales before the pandemic. We almost reached 30 million this past year (includes approx. $4.5 mil in military contracts). In 2018 we had $529,000 in set aside. We had $624,000 this past November. We need to increase our match to have more spending ability. One suggestion is to look at benefits like retirement for vendors. We may invite Jesse Hartle to give an RSA 15 report presentation to the committee. We basically have 3 accounts we operate from. Set Aside, the Federal Grant Fund, and State Funding. It was suggested we reach out to a University and see if we can get an impact study done for our program. How does our program impact the state since we pay sales tax and have employees?     

Compliance Officer Report – Alan Risk
Collaborations went out twice for a consultant regarding cameras at rest areas. There were no responses. The agency will now advertise a solicitation for a camera system installer. There are still questions that need to be addressed and the smallest region will be the first used as a test market. In March 2022, 13% of our vendors achieved all their CEU’s. This year we are at 55%. In March 2022, 51% of vendors had less than 1 CEU. This year we are at 10% with less than 1 CEU. No grievances have been filed since our last committee meeting with 4 total requests in 2023. 1 resulted in favor of the claimant. 2 resulted in favor of the agency. 1 originally resulted in favor of the claimant, but was overturned by our director. There was 1 request for an administrative hearing in 2023 that was later withdrawn. 8 facilities are currently advertised for our selection cycle. 5 rest areas (including 2 welcome centers), 2 cafeterias, and 1 snack bar. 25 applications were submitted. Of those 1 veteran vendor is without a LOFA and 3 have never had a LOFA. 1 applicant withdrew prior to the exam. The average score was 33 out of a possible 40. 18 vendors qualify for an interview. 1 withdrew after being awarded a type II. With the applicant withdrawing facility 612, BSO, no longer has any bidders. 2 trainees have been licensed since December 2023. 8 trainees total were licensed in 2023. 2 licensees were offered a type I facility with 1 declining. 2 licensees were offered type II facilities. Currently there are 2 trainees in OJT. 1 student returned for additional training and will resume OJT afterwards. 3 individuals will start training in Daytona this month. Mary Ellen stated there may be 1 more individual attending in Daytona by the time the next class starts.   

Regional/District Updates – All

Region 1 – Brian Ashworth: Hurlburt Field Military Dining (facility 631) Wanda Feldsteen has had 1 of her 2 dining facilities closed due to issues with the facility structure. The Air Force has proposed a reduction in line items which would adversely affect Hurlbert and our operator. Through our teaming partner, FSIG, we are working on a compromise with the Air Force. Bill commented that if we have issues in the world Hurlburt is one of the first bases of deployment. We added a combo machine at the FDLE Pensacola office in the loading dock area. This site is part of Emmett Magee’s Pensacola route (facility 609). Marianna FCI (Facility 532) - Shannon Shelton has been stocking the machines at both the men’s and women’s camps with shelf stable products and drinks since September 2023. The product list allowed to be sold at the men’s camp is very restrictive and does hurt the sales a little bit. Since reopening the facility has been averaging $2000 a month. The rest area I-10 Marianna WB (facility 580) – Shannon Shelton is still without water and has been since 2018. FDOT states they will start the water restoration project this summer. The DOE/Turlington Building (facility 361) – Jason Carpenter’s micro market roof still has leaks in it and the HVAC issue will likely not be resolved this summer. Bill added there are other issues with the Turlington building like the elevators for example. DMS has asked us to restore the facility as close to its original design as possible. We are in the process of attempting to get this done, but are awaiting approval from DMS to swap open air coolers for closed air coolers. After this is completed DMS will continue to monitor the temperatures throughout the summer to see if there is in fact an issue with it being too hot in the micro market. There will be a vote at the next committee meeting for a proposal to combine facilities 629 and 593.  Anthony DaGraca has been running The Centre of Tallahassee (facility 629) since April 2021 as a Type II. This facility was originally thought to house more employees, but the Department of Health Office never repopulated as they are federal employees and have remote work options available, also DCF decided after opening that they would rather stay with vending machines than open a micro market. Since opening 629 sales have averaged $5500 a month or $66,000 annually. This facility is located inside the geographic area that Anthony already services as part of his Type I LOFA, the Tallahassee Vending Route East (facility 593). Anthony’s sales for facility 593 totaled $243,310 for 2023. Adding facility 629 to 593 would create a more viable vending route.

District 1 – Mike Sumler: Nothing to report

District 2 – Patrick Martin: Off the record Patrick had a conversation with DMS regarding Jason Carpenter’s facility. It’s alleged they will do nothing till they receive in writing we have complied with removing or unplugging any equipment. They will then start the temperature study. There are additional issues with DMS. Patrick is asking the committee to write a letter to DOE’s commissioner including the governor. Director Doyle gave his approval. Motion to have Colton Knight draft and present a letter to committee that will be discussed further and voted on at a special meeting – Kurt Ponchak, Seconded – Orlando Ramirez. Motion passed without objection. Travel numbers are down and Covid is making a comeback. More personnel are working from home. One location on a route has more than 30% of their staff tele-working.    

Region 2 – Bernie Kaiserian: Stefan Mitchell left facility 239 - the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Cafeteria, to take a micro market route in Tallahassee. Leroy Roberts is running it as a Type II and it was advertised on the January bid cycle. Mitzi Bowen signed into facility 504 - the I-75 Gainesville Southbound Rest Area after winning it in September. Mark Turner was operating the Type II. Troy Arthur signed into facility 445 - the I-75 Lake City Northbound Rest Area after winning it in September. He has the type II at facility 446 – which is across the street. 446 is advertised on the January bid cycle. We installed 6 machines at the new VA Clinic in North Jacksonville. It will be a part of Kevin Nealey’s vending route, facility 218. The clinic opening was pushed back to early April. We were approached by the Navy to install a micro market and replace a cafeteria that the Navy Exchange is closing. It’s early in the process but this would be a part of Jim Gaudette’s route at NAS Jacksonville - facility 397. Jim already operates the vending machines in this building. DOT and their maintenance contractor, Walsh, want a cleaning schedule for the rest areas we operate in Northeast Florida. They understand there is a difference between the vending in the buildings owned by the BBE and the vending in their buildings. This is also a recent request but could help clear up some issues such as who’s responsible for replacing light bulbs in the DOT owned buildings. We have received no update from the Sun Pass folks about if or when we will be able to sell the Sun Pass Pro. Currently the operators selling Sun Passes are only able to sell the Sun Pass Mini. Jim Parkman is going to retire at the end of June after almost 58 years in the BBE. His I-95 Welcome Center - facility 489 was advertised on the January bid cycle. Bernie received an e-mail regarding the Sheriff’s Office. They are planning to rebuild since it is 50 years old. Our contract with them was written in 1975. A lease at the Florida Blue building is being considered. Staff will be transferring out, but the jail will operate the same until a new one is built. That is 5 years away. Those who bid on the facility will be made aware of the city’s findings. The Florida Blue building has a private contractor for food service.

District 3 Mark Turner: Commended the group on their continued efforts for good communication and working relationships.

District 4 – Randy Shuster: Nothing to report

Region 3 – Jay Payne: Facility 497 – Kennedy Space Center (KSC) vending route had the highest sales for non-highway vending in 2023. Facility 403 was awarded to Orlando Ramirez on a Type II in early January. It is on the current bid cycle. Facility 466 was 4th in sales among snack bars in the state for 2023. Steve Myers has been running the facility since February of 2022 and provides tasty entrees for employees at KSC. KSC and the exchange have reached out several times inquiring about more hot food options for the campus.  We were in communication with Just Baked to install (4) machines at KSC.  Unfortunately, Just Baked has expressed that the required UL listing to install their machines is still a 6 to 8-month work in progress. After speaking with Paulette Williams regarding facility 494 and the continuous spoilage issue with the products being delivered from Vistar for Just Baked, we have decided to pull the machine and look for another option, possibly the ROBO Burger machine. Facility 409 – the Mims Southbound Rest Area will close in July or August for reconstruction. Shirley Zonnevylle has no plan to retire when it reopens. Facility 635 – the Brevard County Route, 8 drink and 5 snack machines were installed in 4 locations. This was in January for the City of Melbourne. It has 3 future installations, (DCF, TSA-Melbourne, SSA) coming next quarter. Staffing at Coleman Prison is lacking and affecting the vendor’s ability to perform his duties. The operator gets minimal time or is not allowed in often. Sales are down 60% from January due to this issue. Visitations were down for 3 weeks at Medium Pen and 1 day of visitation was allowed in February. New vendor, Patrick Carty was awarded a Type II at facility 459. He is replacing Victor Rosario since he recently passed away. We just installed equipment at the Daytona VA Clinic. We are doing some work with Cantaloupe at the rehab center’s micro market.

District 5 – David Stevens It is hoped staffing issues will improve at Coleman Prison.

District 6 – Phil Hubbard There is a delay in installing equipment at a KSC snack bar until inspections can be made. A rest area operator wants to compare pricing with others to maintain competitiveness in the market. KSC is asking for additional machines in some buildings. We are considering adding Red Bull and Just Baked at KSC. There is an 8 to 10% theft rate in LCC. We should check into smart coolers. Cape Canaveral’s vending contract is coming up in August.

Region 4 – Tony Arduengo it’s recommended we combine facilities 436 and 112. That would produce an estimated $285,000 in sales. Sales for all of Collier County locations account for $70,000 or 35% of overall sales. If the facility were to lose the Lee County agreement the addition of 436 into 112 would produce a more viable facility. Lee County did shop for a new vending company when we proposed price increases several months ago. Other than the price issue there is no indication from Lee County that we would be losing this agreement any time in the near future as they recently signed a one year extension. The type II for facility 436 runs until May 2024. Motion to combine facilities 112 and 436 and continue to report 436 sales separately – Kurt Ponchak: Seconded – Jim Warth. Jim Warth called the question. Motion passed without objection. Motion to extend meeting till 4:30 pm – Kurt Ponchak Seconded – Patrick Martin: Motion passed without objection. Facility 272 - Brooksville Route added DCF investigation Bradenton and is waiting on drink machine. USPS Carrier Annex Land O Lakes was added and waiting on drink machine. Agreements are complete on 2 more USPS locations in Zephyrhills and Homosassa. Sales increased 39% from 2022 to 2023 because of additions. Facility 634 - Polk County Route is adding DCF in Bartow. The VA is on track for opening in October and will double the sales for the Type II. Facility 396 – East Tampa Route added a DCF location. VA Mental Health added snack machines and is waiting for drink machines. Facility 031 - Hillsborough Courthouse snack bar sales are up 20% from the prior year and a second cash register will be added. Facility 180 – Ft. Myers Route added a FEMA location and is waiting on 1 drink machine. A glass front was added to the Bonita Springs Post Office and the sales are $7,800 since October. The Charlotte County rest area project is on hold indefinitely.

District 7 – Jim Warth A rest area vendor has a/c issues, but it is still working. A conversation needs to be had with FDOT.

District 8 – Sead Bekric 2 rest areas closed for a few weeks to have painting done. Recently a vendor’s spouse was shoved against a wall at their rest area. Red Bull does repair their machines and you can buy product from any source. There was a virtual USI training session conducted.

Region 5 – Alicia Brown We’ve done 6 installations so far. 3 were added to Facility 621, 2 were added to facility 501. Jonathan Dickinson is revamping and will go to 4 or 5 machines. The district has 3 food service facilities. Facility 352 will come out for future bid as a type I or type II. We are continuing to communicate with the county regarding facility 469. We removed machines from one of facility 501’s underperforming locations. 2 are in the works for facility 547 – Customs and Border. They are selling product which is against policy. A changeover will occur at facility 547 the beginning of April.

District 9 – Orlando Ramirez 1 rest area vendor would like to see camera installation sooner than later due to vandalism issues. A new licensee would be interested in operating facility 352 – Broward Government Center which is currently a 3rd party location. Sales there are reportedly low. There is concern with removing the 3rd party vendor for an unexperienced licensee. It’s suggested the licensee perform duties under the work experience program for another vendor temporarily. Possibly even for the 3rd party vendor. The work experience rate of pay is currently $15.00 per hour. Motion to extend meeting until finished – Kurt Ponchak: Seconded – Mark Turner: Motion passed without objection.

Region 6 – Maureen Fink Facility 348 - State Regional Service Center has been operated by a third-party company since August of 2022. Sales for 2023 were just under $150,000. This facility isn’t viable yet. A request was submitted to DMS to install vending machines outside in the courtyard. This would benefit the lines of people waiting to visit DFS. An operator is running a type II with vending only and is doing $3,000 a month in sales. Facility 156 – Dade County Courthouse had sales of $427,305.11 which was the highest sales for a snack bar in 2023. Facility 588 - Southern Command: We are waiting on them to give us an ETA of when they will have internet installed so we can move forward with a hybrid 24/7 micro-market. They said they would have an answer by the end of this week. 1 of 3 routes was dissolved and split between the remaining 2. The 2 routes did $587,000 in sales for 2023 and there was a 24% increase in net profit. Region 6 had the highest increase at 29% in sales when compared from year to year. Krome Detention Center doesn’t want us operating the commissary anymore. A note was left for the vendor on the door. We will confer with our attorney. Sales were reported at $50,000 last month and over $600,000 for the year.

District 9 – Antonio Gonzalez An operator is concerned with the readers DBS provides when we take our selection cycle exam. Twice they had a reader they couldn’t understand. Facility 15 – a snack bar is going to close at end of year.
Motion to Adjourn – Kurt Ponchak: Seconded – Randall Crosby. Motion passed without objection.

Saturday March 9, 2024

Roundtable Discussion – All
Orlando Ramirez suggested we say the name and district number for each rep during roll call to assist those who are listening to the meeting remotely. In addition, anyone speaking should say their name while addressing the chair first. He also inquired about the current status of the subcommittees. Chairs have been assigned to subcommittees and they will be further developed as they become needed. Example, a micro market committee has been established. Information on subcommittees can be found on the BBE website. Antonio Gonzalez inquired about the poor quality of Wi-Fi we have during the meetings. DBS has a more powerful hotspot we can borrow in the future. Orlando commented on the seating arrangements in the meeting room. We need an arrangement that prevents people from facing the backs of others and yet still provide the ability for those listening virtually to hear conversations accurately. Kurt Ponchak asked all the reps to gather some Coke pricing information from rest area vendors, as a start, in hopes of creating a pricing structure for the program. Patrick Martin suggested the committee incorporate so the group can have better buying power with multiple purveyors. Kurt added Coke needs to clean up their data base to properly identify our vendors and they should also provide us with our performance data. Kurt asked who would like to participate on a work group regarding the nomination process. Phil Hubbard, Patrick Martin, and Jim Warth volunteered. Kurt appointed Colton Knight as the Chair. Kurt asked who would like to participate on a work group regarding equipment repairs and replacement. Orlando Ramirez, Mike Sumler, and Randy Shuster volunteered. Bill Findley asked Maureen Fink and Bernie Kaiserian to participate as well. Kurt asked if the committee would be interested in doing a workshop on net profit expectation at the next meeting. It was advised any draft committee agenda items need to be sent in by April 1st. There was discussion on buying groups, where and how to obtain product, and distribution centers. USG is close to finishing their Aramark Contract and supposedly Coke will be included. Colton Knight inquired about the content that will be discussed in the micro market work group. For example, net profit will be a separate conversation.       
Meeting adjourned by Chairman Randall Crosby at 9:35 a.m.

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