Activities for Adults: Week 4

Person laying on their front reading a book and dreaming of the ocean.

DIY Cleaner and Greener Living

Learn to make cleaning and household products from everyday items that do less harm to our planet! Make a change to eco-friendly alternatives.

Man sitting in easy chair reading a book.

All-Purpose Cleaner

Mix all ingredients together in a spray bottle.

Glass Cleaner

Mix water and alcohol together and then whisk in the cornstarch. Transfer to a
spray bottle.

Carpet Freshener

Mix together and add to a jar with a shaker top. Sprinkle on carpet 30 minutes before

Person laying on their front, reading a book, and dreaming of the ocean.

Sink and Tile Scrub

Mix all ingredients into a paste and transfer to a jar.

Dryer Sheets

Mix together ½ cup white vinegar and 610 drops of essential oil. Add cloth, and seal the jar. When ready to use, remove one cloth, wring out excess liquid, and add it to the dryer with your clothes. Place the cloth back in the jar once used, topping up the scented vinegar as needed.

Let us know which one worked best!

Recycled T-Shirt Book Bag

Do you have a beloved old t-shirt that is too small or worn? Repurpose it into a bookbag!



  1. Cut the arm holes out from the inside of the arm seam.
  2. Cut the neckline out by following the seam. You can make the hole small by sticking to the seam, or measure about an inch out from the seam and cut. If you use a pencil to measure make sure to turn the t-shirt inside out so you don’t see the pencil markings.
  3. If you haven’t already, turn the t-shirt inside out.
  4. Measure three inches from the bottom of the ruler and trace up with the pencil.
  5. Make the same marks all the way across the shirt. Use the width of the ruler for the width of the strips.
  6. Cut the pencil markings up to the three inch mark. Don’t forget to cut the seams!
  7. You can have the fringe on the outside for decoration or on the inside for a smooth bottom. If you want the fringe on the outside, turn your shirt right side out at this point.
  8. Knot each set of strips together tightly.
  9. Once you’ve knotted all the way across, the book bag is ready to use!
T-Shirt book bag.

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