Collaborative Summer Library Program
Mission: We empower libraries to foster community.
Vision: We collaborate with libraries to create an inclusive literacy based program that is enjoyable for all ages, provide a reproducible program with a unified theme, share resources and offer professional support.
History: CSLP began in 1987 when ten Minnesota regional library systems developed a summer library program for children, choosing a theme, creating artwork, and selecting incentives that public libraries in the regions could purchase and use. State libraries and systems continue to join and CSLP continues to evolve, but its guiding principle remains the same: librarians sharing ideas, expertise, and costs to produce a high-quality summer reading program for children, teens, and adults.
CSLP 2022: Oceans of Possibilities

Have fun reading and learn about oceanography and the environment.
CSLP 2021: Tails and Tales

Fun reading all about many kinds of animals.
- CSLP 2021 Weekly Booklists and Activities
- CSLP 2021 Summer Reading Results and Consolidated Booklists
CSLP 2020: Imagine Your Story

Use your imagination to create your own story.