Activities for Kids: Week 3

Percy Jackson Book Club
AGES Children 8+ years Teens/tweens
Read a Percy Jackson Book and have a Percy Jackson Party!
Riordan, Rick. Percy Jackson and the Olympians (series), 2005–2009. (DB 63443, DB 64659, DB 65245, DB 67158, DB 69015, BR 20213, BR 20243, BR 20285, BR 21573, BR 21612)
Choose a Greek god/goddess name and come dressed as that character (e.g., Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes, Artemis, Hephaestus, Demeter, Dionysus). Percy’s Mother had a thing for blue food, so have blueberries, blue corn tortilla chips, blue Gatorade, blue jelly beans, blue fruit roll-ups, and blue yogurt.
Take a picture and send it in!
Seven Wonders of Your World: Activities + Journal
Write about some of these seven items in a journal. Keep writing after the summer’s over, make it a habit!
- Read a book of the Seven Wonders series, write a review
- Who are the seven most important people in your world?
- What are 7 things that are most important to you?
- Extra: You can also make a collage out of pictures in a magazine and talk about them with your family.
- List 7 things you can be when you grow up, and then arrange them, in order of what you would like to be.
- Name and try to eat 7 new types of vegetables and fruits this week. What was new to you? What did you like? Were you surprised?
- Name 7 different types of pets, starting with your own, and what do you like about your pets? If you run out of ideas, use your imagination and make some up! (A gerbil that talks!)
- Make a goal to read 7 new books when school starts. Write a review about them as you do, and send them in to be included on our website!
Toilet Paper Roll Mermaid
- Toilet paper or cardboard rolls
- Skin-colored paper
- Tissue paper in blues, greens, or purples (any ocean color)
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Small/mini seashells
- Craft glue
- Yarn and/or embroidery floss in different shades of greens, blues, and purples
- Felt-tip pen in black and pink
- Measure the length of the cardboard roll and cut out a longer strip of skin-colored paper, gluing it completely around the roll.
- Lay tissue paper double. Cut out a strip longer than the cardboard roll as done with skin-colored paper.
- Start gluing the top of the tissue paper at the middle of the cardboard roll and down, leaving the excess to protrude at the bottom.
- Twist the overhang once like a candy wrapper and cut a fish tail into it at the bottom.
- For the hair, take several threads and yarn and wind a thick, about 20 cm long strand. Knot it tightly in the middle and cut the loops at each end.
- Coat the top edge of the roll all around with craft glue. Place the knot in the center front and then press the hair all around the opening.
- Add a shell bikini by gluing on mini seashells, then add a shell where the knot of hair is.
- Use the felt-tip pens to add eyes and a mouth.
Courtesy of Ernsting’s Family Blog with help from Google Translate.