Talking Book and Braille Equipment

Zoomax braille eReader (EBZ)

Close up view of Zoomax  braille eReader (EBZ) and accessories.

This is a refreshable braille device that allows us to ship braille books to you on a cartridge, the same as we do with audio books. You then transfer the items from the cartridge to your eReader. You can also use the machine to download books directly from BARD. The 5” x 7 ½ “ eReader can hold an amazing amount of books, you can keep for as long as you are a patron. The latest update even has a one-handed function!

Here is what you can expect to receive:

To familiarize yourself with the new Braille eReader, we recommend reading the Getting Started Guide included in the box. It provides essential information to help you make the most of your device.

Sample eBraille Cartridge

You may request a sample eBraille cartridge with twenty preselected books from our collection. To access these books, follow these simple steps: Use the provided cartridge connector cable to connect the cartridge to the eReader's USB-A port. The books will automatically load onto your eReader.

Transition to eBraille

Should you decide to transition to eBraille from hard copy embossed books, we'll start sending books on cartridges like the sample one. Load these books onto your eReader and return the cartridges to us – no need to hold onto them as the books are stored on your device. We're here to support you throughout this transition.
Let us know if we can send you one! We are very excited to be able to launch into this era of service for our borrowers!

Florida Braille and Talking Book Library 1-800-226-6075

Digital Standard Player (DS1)

Digital talking book player standard model DS1.

Some controls on the Talking Book player you may find useful:

Digital Advanced Player (DA1)

Digital talking book player advanced model DA1.

Some controls on the Talking Book player you may find useful:

Remote Control (AC030)

Remote control for digital player (AC030).

Pillow Speaker (AC021)

Pillow speaker for digital player (AC021).

Right Angle Adapter (AC020)

Close up view of right angle USB thumb drive adapter (AC020).

USB flash-drive adapter allows you to connect your USB flash drive to the digital talking book player at a 90 degree right angle. By using the adapter, your flash drive lays parallel to the player.

Cartridge Cable (AC025)

A C 0 2 5 cartridge cable

NLS has a specially made USB cable that allows you to attach a digital talking book cartridge to a computer. Three feet long with a standard USB type A plug on one end and a USB type A socket and plastic molding-conforming to the shape of the cartridge-on the other. The accessory connects a digital talking-book cartridge to a universal serial bus (USB) port on a personal computer (PC) to facilitate use with BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download).

Headphones (AC027)

Headphones (AC027)

Headphones for private listening and/or readers who require them for reading talking books where loudspeakers are not permitted, as in nursing homes and hospitals.

Headphone Adaptor (AC019)

Headphone adaptor from quarter inch female to 3.5 milimeter male (AC019)

This adaptor has a 3.5 milimeter stereo plug on one end (male) and a 1/4 inch stereo jack (female) on the other. It allows patrons to use older style headphones that have a 1/4 inch plug with the talking book player, which requires a 3.5 milimeter plug.

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